Saint Donato Cathedral
Saint Donato Cathedral is situated next to the Belvedere Civic Tower and Gardens and is headquarters to the Diocese. The cathedral is the final work of the great architect Francesco Gallo (Mondovì 1672-1750). Gallo was a key figure in the architectural development of Mondovì as well as many other towns in the Province of Cuneo. Construction of the cathedral began in 1744 and was finished by Bernardo Vittone, Benedetto Alfieri, Filippo Nicolis di Roilant and Pio Eula. It was dedicated to Saint Donato of Arezzo, a bishop and a martyr in the 4th century. The paintings on the inside are from various artists. An overview presents a central nave and two aisles in Baroque style with Neoclassical additions in the choir, and a Greek cross plan. The left branch contains the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, which is the heart of the cathedral. In the entrance area there are two large lateral niches, containing the baptistery (left) and the statue of the Immaculate Virgin (right). The right aisle hosts the Chapel of the Suffrage, a 19th masterpiece of Baroque Rococò style. In the side altars you may admire the paintings depicting Saint Francis of Sales, Saint Charles and Saint Andrew. In the left aisle you find the altar of Saint Mary of Pity and the altar of the Blessed Sacrament, and, at the end, the painting of Saint Francis and Saint Clare with Saint Maurice. The presbytery has an imposing marble altar designed by Francesco Gallo, with the Communion altar and the Bishop’s Throne. The monolithic columns of grey marble from the local area of Frabosa are of great value; in the cathedral there are thirty-two columns, arranged in the presbytery, the atrium and the chapels.