S.Giovanni and S.Domenico Church


The parish church of San Giovanni e San Domenico (Saints John and Dominic) is located at the bottom of the Garzegna hills in the neighborhood of Carassone. Of medieval origins, it was built as the church of San Giovanni in Lupazzanio when the inhabitants of Carassone moved there from their previous settlement in Bastia, near the Tanaro River. It was also named after Saint Domenic when the Dominicans settled there in 1574 after being forced to abandon the neighborhood of Piazza where Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Savoy, had given orders to build the new Citadel and destroy existing buildings.

The church’s façade is of Romanesque architecture while the interior underwent renovations in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Church is rich in 18th century decorations as well as paintings inspired by the Dominican Order. The Chapel of the Rosary (on the left) is from 1637 and has noteworthy decorations

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